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Saint Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Order

October 4th is the liturgical memorial of one of the most beloved and venerated saints in the world, Saint Francis of Assisi. Patron of Italy together with Saint Catherine of Siena and ecumenical patron of the environment, Saint Francis is universally recognized for his example of simple life, his love for nature and his profound spirituality. His figure continues to inspire believers and non-believers, for his radical testimony of peace, poverty and universal brotherhood.

Life and Conversion of Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis was born in 1182 in Assisi, Umbria, to a wealthy family of cloth merchants. His real name was Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, but upon his father's return from France he was nicknamed Francis. In his youth, Francis lived a carefree and worldly life. He aspired to military glory, but a decisive experience during a war against Perugia led him to an interior crisis. After being imprisoned, in fact, and suffering a long illness, he began to question the meaning of life.

The turning point came, however, when, during a prayer in the church of San Damiano, he heard a voice coming from the crucifix: “Francis, go and repair my house which, as you see, is all in ruins”. Interpreting these words literally, Francis sold some of his father’s possessions to restore the church, a gesture that marked his definitive detachment from the worldly life and riches of his father.

The Vow of Poverty and the Foundation of the Franciscan Order

After his conversion, Francis renounced all material goods, choosing a life of absolute poverty. His love for the Gospel and his dedication to Christ led him to found, in 1209, the Order of Friars Minor, better known as the Franciscan Order, a group of men dedicated to prayer, charity and preaching. The order spread rapidly throughout Europe, attracted by the message of humility and brotherhood that Francis represented.

Francis rejected all forms of property, not only personal but also communal, and firmly believed that his friars should live like Christ, without anything of their own, living by the work of their hands.

The Canticle of the Creatures

One of the most well-known characteristics of Franciscan spirituality is the love of nature. Francis considered every creature as a brother or sister, recognizing the presence of God in all creation. This attitude is beautifully expressed in his “Canticle of the Creatures ,” a hymn of praise to God for the beauty and goodness of creation. In the Canticle, Francis addresses “Brother Sun” and “Sister Moon,” emphasizing how the entire universe is a manifestation of divine glory.

The canticle, written in rhythmic prose, is today considered one of the compositions that inaugurated vernacular literature in Italy.

Saint Francis, witness of peace

Saint Francis was also an extraordinary witness of peace. His famous meeting with Sultan Malik al-Kamil during the Fifth Crusade in 1219 testifies to his desire for dialogue and understanding between different cultures and religions, a revolutionary attitude for his time. Despite the ongoing war, Francis went to the Sultan, without any fear and with the intent to promote peace and mutual respect.

The Death and Canonization of Saint Francis

The last years of Francis' life were marked by great physical suffering. In 1224, he received the "stigmata" (the wounds of Christ's Passion) on Mount Verna, as a sign of his mystical union with the crucified Christ. He died on October 3, 1226 in Assisi, and was canonized two years later, in 1228, by Pope Gregory IX.

His liturgical feast day, October 4, is now celebrated not only in Italy but throughout the world. It is an occasion to remember his message of love, simplicity and respect for all creatures. Celebrations in his honor, especially in his hometown, Assisi, attract thousands of pilgrims every year.

The Legacy of St. Francis Today

Saint Francis continues to be a figure of great spiritual and cultural relevance. His message of peace, his care for creation and his example of evangelical poverty remain relevant in a world that often seems to have lost its sense of brotherhood and respect for nature. Pope Francis' choice to take his name in 2013 was a clear sign of the desire to bring the Church back to a spirit of simplicity and closeness to the poor.

Iconographies of Saint Francis of Assisi

The depictions of Saint Francis of Assisi follow different moments of his life or symbolic attributes linked to his spirituality and his work.

Main iconographic attributes:

The habit : Saint Francis is almost always depicted wearing a simple habit, brown or grey in colour, with a cord tied at the waist and three knots, which symbolise the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

The stigmata : he is often depicted with the stigmata, signs of the wounds of Christ that Francis is said to have received on Mount La Verna in 1224. These signs can be seen on his hands, feet and sometimes on his side.

Birds or animals : Another common attribute is the presence of birds or other animals, such as wolves, deer or lambs, which symbolize his preaching to nature and his respect for all creatures.

Most common iconographic scenes:

  • The Sermon to the Birds is one of the most famous scenes. St. Francis is surrounded by birds and animals to whom he speaks, showing his love and respect for all creatures.
  • The scene in which Francis receives the stigmata is widely represented, often with a crucified Christ appearing in a vision, sometimes in the form of a seraph, who sends rays that imprint the signs of the crucifixion on Francis.
  • The encounter with the wolf of Gubbio is very famous, Saint Francis is represented while taming the ferocious wolf that terrorized the city of Gubbio, thus underlining his ability to bring peace and reconciliation even between men and animals.
  • In many representations, Saint Francis is shown stripping himself of his riches before the bishop and his father, a key moment that represents his radical choice of poverty.

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